Private Sleep Coaching
1:1 Private Sleep Coaching Portal
Introduction to Sleep Coaching
Sleep Diary
Sleep Diary Template
Initial Assessment
Link to schedule Fortnightly Coaching calls
Weekly Check-in (due Sunday afternoon)
Meet your Coach
Why Sleep?
Physical Performance - Part I
Are your genetics affecting your sleep?
Crack the Code: Early Bird or Night Owl
Circadian Rhythm (Article)
How light while you sleep may be harming your health (article)
1. Test your BOLT (Body Oxygen Level Test)
2. Warmup Breathhold Exercise
3. Recovery Breathing Exercise
4. Breathe Light Exercise
5. (a) Simulation of HAT (High Altitude Training): Explaination
5. (b) Simulation of HAT (High Altitude Training): Exercise
Recommended Products
Sleep Supplements
Habit Tracker Templates
Constructive Worry Template
How's your Sleep Health?
Cheat Sheet: Nail your Sleep on Shiftwork
Cheat Sheet: Using Light to Supercharge your Sleep